An example of a QUUB application
This 3D render shows the current component layout on the PCB and represents a possible application for the QUUB.
There are six cutouts onto which small PCBs can be soldered. These cutouts are called "docks" and the boards that solder on to them are called "dockables".
This image shows the MCU board with three such dockables installed, these being...
- A dual dockable with an RTC and backup battery and an SD memory socket.
- A power supply module.
- A blank module.
- A serial module with two RS485 drivers and a dual RJ45 socket.
- A dual I2C PiicoDEV/STEMMA-QT/QWIIC module
This is one example of a system that may, for example, be a data logger hub to monitor all the components of a solar power system using sensors on the PiicoDEV bus, this data is reported to other QUUBs using the QUUBnet serial network connection and also to a main controller QUUB with a Raspberry Pi host to provide display and control algorithms.
Any combination of modules is allowed and of course another 60 modules of various types can be added using 15 more stackable boards each with four dockables. Or stackables can be designed that don't use the dockable system, for example a power relay stackable that uses the entire PCB real estate for the relays and a small amount of control logic.